No matter what your financial condition might be, the question in the back of everyone’s mind when they start their Defender search is always around budget. We’ve build some resources to help in this area.
Beginning Your Search
Every day we get requests from someone looking for a mint condition Land Rover Defender 110, with perfect paint, no rust, left hand drive, automatic, with upgraded doors, low mileage motor, perfect headliner, and a full tank of gas–for $18k delivered.
General Pricing
With pricing for vintage Land Rover Defenders running between $10,000 USD and $250,000 USD, we get a lot of questions about this topic. While we could go into the reason why a Defender could cost a fortune, our guide is more focused on the everyday Defender driver.
The Difference Between a $25,000 Defender and a $250,000 Defender
I would wager that most of you reading this blog post do not have a blank check to begin your entry into Land Rover Defender ownership. It’s likely you’ve seen Defenders priced from $10,000 to $250,000 around the world and you’re wondering why there is such a vast price difference between the low-end and high-end. There’s a very good reason.
Financing Your Defender
There are several ways for you to begin living out your dream behind the wheel of a vintage Land Rover Defender. If you have the luxury of writing a check or issuing a wire transfer, you’re doing pretty well. But if you’re like most of us, you realize that writing a check for between $15,000 and $100,000 can cause a little anxiety.